How to run dmg file? By rudysuryanto » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:49 am. I have downloaded dmg file, that run under Mac. Can dmg file run in Linux? How to run dmg file in Linuxmint 8? Then run dmg2img BaseSystem.dmg base.iso it will convert the the dmg file to iso file named base.iso. Open Disks AKA 'Gnome-Disk-Disk-Utility' and drag base.iso to it and hit start restoring.This will take a wile. Once it is done restoring the iso open up Gparted and select your usb-drive. How to open DMG file in Linux Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Kali Linux1. Sudo apt update2. Sudo apt-get install p7zip-full3. 7z x image.dmg4. In OS X, you usually buy or download programs in.dmg files that may contain.pkg software packages. The Ubuntu equivalent of a.pkg file is a.deb file, although you'll rarely see one in practice. Run Dmg On Terminal Ubuntu Version. Ubuntu has a built-in package management system, and it's recommended to install programs from there. How To Run.dmg File In Linux; Linux Dmg To Usb; Open Dmg In Linux; I'm using linux, and i downloaded a program (called hype) that was written for a mac and saved as a dmg. I then used the dmg2img program to mount the program as an image file. I want to mount.dmg file in Linux but I got: Code: sudo mount -t hfsplus Mac OS X Install DVD.dmg /mnt.
Open DMG File on Linux
DMG files use Hierarchical File System (HFS) as a disk file system format. In order for your Linux machine to open DMG files it needs to support HFS and HFS+. To enable HFS and HFS+ support on your Linux machine you will need to install HFS tools and kernel modules.
Below are instructions on how to install HFS and HFS+ and mount HFS+ drive on Ubuntu.
1) Install hfsprogs which enables operation with HFS and HFS+ on Linux via ports of mkfs and fsck.
sudo apt-get install hfsprogs
2) Mount or remount the HFS+ drive
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdXY /media/mntpoint
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o remount,force,rw /mount/point
3) If the drive is partially corrupted or was unmounted with an error run:
sudo fsck.hfsplus -f /dev/sdXY


Below are instructions on how to mount HFS or HFS+ in CentOS:
1) Install hfs kernel modules and hfs+ tools:
yum install kmod-hfs
yum install hfsplus-tools
2) Mount or remount the HFS+ drive
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdXY /media/mntpoint
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o remount,force,rw /mount/point
3) If the drive is partially corrupted or was unmounted with an error run:
sudo fsck.hfsplus -f /dev/sdXY
With HFS and HFS+ enabled you are ready to mount your DMG file.
How To Open Dmg File In Kali Linux
Following DMG partitioning schemes were tested to work with instructions below:
- Apple Partition Map
- CD/DVD (partitioned)
- CD/DVD (partitioned) with ISO data
- Hard disk
- Master Boot Record Partition Map
- No partition map
Below is a command to mount an image.dmg file using hfsplus file system:
sudo mount -t hfsplus image.dmg /mnt
Here -t hfsplus tells mount command to mount with HFS+ file system. The /mnt specifies a path to where the image will be mounted.
To unmount following command is needed:
How To Run Dmg Files In Linux Operating System
sudo mount -t hfsplus image.dmg /mnt